Thursday, August 2, 2012

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Grace, civil and military,bestnfljerseys, handsome, grasp the party of power, these are to Xu Liewu the favorable conditions. Looking around the same age peers in a new generation of master, his achievements are indeed extremely outstanding, more importantly, to know how many friends live your enemy, but also has the Lu such a big backer support, quickly get a Al Valentino person with a good impression of Bailudong children, but an unconfirmed legend, will push his support to peak, and him as Al Valentino ZTE hope.
Odd home in Medina and the stone word family wage war, to attack each other when a rumor put out by the stone word family: Xu Liewu is the son of Al Valentino emperor Cao Shou!
According to an official document of record, The Xu Liewu and Kublai Khan's father, is a two-term Medina Medici family main.
At that time, Medina odd home only weapons refining a medium-sized tribal, Although ethnic Yonghan, but of strength, far from shoulder to shoulder with the word family STORMY king.
Later, Al Valentino determined the cultivation of other tribes Wu Lian to counterbalance the strength had become the threat to the Royal, consider, select the Medina odd home, so special to marry the princess and the pro, to show the great importance of the so-called princess, It is said that does not have royal blood, just a Cao Shou the Wanyan the beauty
The ladies in order to avoid unexpected objectionable, Ting Cao particular chose an orc descent ladies sealed to the princess title to marry.
The princess gave birth to the brothers

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