Friday, December 28, 2012

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Zhang Kui waited a long while, and finally himself a hot temper, took a step forward bend salute: level cut to follow. Under the direct command as the vesting dry fertile land the third ninety-one Army a division commander, Zhang Kui Yong crown forces, but the group army within the number one Reggie, usually won the old boss's favorite, but today is clearly an atmosphere less rival, the dry fertile land and not, as usual, Nianxu smile readily accepted his Qingzhan requirements, but extremely

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Zhen Yingxiong different degrees and Lanna, Lanna degree to become a real killer to accept the killer training, and Zhen Yingxiong only Zhen days to let him have a killer's intuition, in order to make him familiar with the killer means forced to attend the killer training, said white people the Lanna degree specialized in, he Zhenying Xiong is an authentic auditors, attendant health, just to see how people teach, learn not to learn, uncle! Master I am willing to learn school I do not want to learn science.
Zhen Yingxiong understand the fun does not like the hypocrisy of a man, a man of normal physiological catharsis, find a woman zuo love this and not hypocritical, even if every field for the play, is also your situation I would like to, but wanted him to hypocrisy to go to cheat a woman's feelings, that he can not do.
Righteous word of faith is a 'righteous' word, whether or not the enemy, to cheat the feelings, it is not justice, lie to a woman feeling, is simply degrading, therefore, the Zhen Master Zimingqinggao completely despise the kind of teaching, which is why he would rather Mongolia with head and face each other rather not fill out those personal data, but also refused to write out a false identity.
At the moment, and finally have a professional background to see people Zhenying Xiong can be happy? Appointment with Miss X several times, often want to ask her to do what kind of job are afraid she asked, and this can be Well, finally able to 'frank' relative a.
Zhen Yingxiong call to Miss X, you can never been in love, Zuiben, afraid to eat the back to the cold shoulder, the old good mood ruined? So, simply send text messages, this text's greatest advantage is that do not have to roundabout, to confront a subject directly.
Unfortunately, Zhen Yingxiong this optimism is not reflected in the body of Miss X, I thought Zhenying Xiong morning, hung up the phone after the self-critical about it, and then quickly to a call back to repentance,cheap authentic mlb jerseys, even if only could fool you happy Well,nike air max women, those films and television shows are played? dead things touch a phone a put down on the matter, victims of their own the whole day no mood, try thinking of the phone, always wander, finally heading for the cell phone rang, the sun almost work, Made in, repentance, a broken text messages, or the morning of that thing Miss, X can not be angry it? co-Zhen Yingxiong cold day, and will afford not be assured on the morning this lady to hang your phone ah?
Miss X is a super-romantic, some deviations Zhenying Xiong love attitude and her own fantasies, originally Well, yesterday, to listen to Ai love to come back Zhenying Xiong at the thought that a fierce gun battle scene with the killer on the radio, trying to shield passers-by and Miss X feel the blood boiling, contacts the object is a true hero.
Of course, Miss X does not know is that they are hearing this version has been Ai love to exaggerate the N times ...
That little girl, Lian Shi Huainan did not see how lying on the ground was Zhenying Xiong threw himself, and later learned that a shooting occurred, she dare not looked at this lovely and beautiful little face grow out of not very easy, and more a hole is much more ugly ah? can say a kind of mold, the one lying in the car under

Monday, July 16, 2012

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World first for China as early as a good law. Zhu Peiyuan see dental seen eye patted his hand and smile: us a lifetime to stay in your study figures, can be a bit out of things, or child care teachers and the blessing of rain this time is not quite as, just want to to see if we these scholar in addition to sitting back and pontificating is not for the people to do something ............
Here, stand up to some regret: another step ahead ............ this scholar only Pinlelaoming efforts to make things better. do something about the responsibility of their own law and conscience ............ for the creation of a new civil law matter for rain teachers both hair willing heart, my lifelong dream. the support of the rain and teachers, no matter what, we scholar but also for the Jiangbei out of a Civil Code out! Yuchen nodded slightly, the use of these bookish expert is not a dirty military affair, he is still very much believe that their competence and integrity. These early Republican experts and the world that he came to the streets dirty professors These are very conscious of.
Also saw a Li Zhang Yun, the DPRK Yuchen schematically Zhupei Yuan. The Yuchen helpless smile towards him, towards the Li Zhang cloud went over, he did not dare to shake hands and Li Zhang Yun, just stand towards him respect incomparable standard salute.
Li Zhang Yun looked at him, Yuchen expression seemed extremely sincere, he grunted, did not speak. Yuchen smile: see you in person to rain a really pleasantly surprised ............
Zhang Yun Lee coldly: Next to Zhu Peiyuan and Yuchen hello cry, have said he was going to rest. The Yuchen micro one to indicate the door Zhangzhi He would meet up. Pick them up to welcome home promise a guest house lobby, the rest of the parent Li Zhang cloud female and Yuchen three individuals. Duzaimenkou Feng Yuxiang, who is also not allowed to enter.
Zhang Yun Lee sat down, looked at Yuchen injury in the body straight and the name of the stand at attention. Daughter head down, not to speak of that stubborn expression like the foot of the young wife in his heart he sighed, and finally whispered said: Yuchen have been in my heart feel funny very Li Yuan also did not have the future will not vote for she was not in his consideration within the scope of Li Zhang Yun is the attitude of an elder, which in the end count how back thing ah!
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